
ALPAO manufactures a complete range of adaptive optics products for use in research and industry, including very rapidly deformable mirrors with large strokes, wavefront sensors, and adaptive optics loops. These products are specially designed for astronomy, ophthalmology, microscopy, wireless optical communications, and laser applications. Our product's unrivalled performance allows users to recover very high-resolution images.
Boston Micromachines Boston Micromachines
Founded in 1999, Boston Micromachines Corporation (BMC) is the leading provider of advanced microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) - based mirror products for use in commercial adaptive optics systems. The company’s suite of award-winning compact deformable mirror (DM) products is the most cost-effective, highest performance mirror technology in the market today. They are widely used to drive scientific discovery in astronomy, laser beam shaping, microscopy, vision science, and support a variety of defense applications.
DIM Nano-K DIM Nano-K
The Domaine d'Intérêt Majeur (DIM) Nano-K "From cold atoms to nanosciences" is a Key Areas of Interest labeled by the regional council of Paris Region for the period 2012-2015. It gathers the Skills Center in Nanosciences Ile-de-France (C’Nano IdF) and the Research Institute on Cold Atoms of Ile-de-France (IFRAF).
Fondation Pierre Gilles de Gennes Fondation Pierre Gilles de Gennes
The Foundation's purpose is to promote the emergence of concrete applications of research, principally in the field of health and biology. It manages a network of academic research teams from ENS (Ecole Normale Superieure), ENSCP (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris), ESPCI (Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles), and Institut Curie. This network represents 1% of the French academic researchers (150 teams, 1600 physicians, researchers, and PhDs). FPGG initiates interdisciplinary, inter-institutional programs at the chemistry/physics/biology/medicine interface with an objective of generating innovative breakthroughs for global Health Care.
France-BioImaging France-BioImaging
France-BioImaging is a large-scale national research infrastructure and pluridisciplinary project with participants in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer science and engineering. At the frontier between molecular and cell biology, biophysics and engineering, mathematics and bioinformatics, France-BioImaging gathers several outstanding biological Imaging Centers supported by state of the art R&D teams with the aim to cover recent advances in microscopy, spectroscopy, probe engineering and signal processing.
Groupement de Recherche 2588 Groupement de Recherche 2588 "Microscopie et Imagerie du Vivant"
The purpose of GdR MIV (Research Group in Microscopy and Imaging in Living subjects) is to promote the sharing of expertise between research teams, with the aim to develop new strategies up to overcome technological and methodological limitations in the study of gene expression, nuclear organization in territories, network signaling, the membrane trafficking … This GdR gathers teams in biology, physics, chemistry, image processing, computing and applied mathematics .
Hamamatsu Hamamatsu
Hamamatsu Photonics is a leading company of light technology and products. We design, manufacture and sell high level solutions for photometry systems, light sources & cameras. Hamamatsu has been working with the Photon for more than 50 years. We have established ourselves as the top company of photoelectron conversion technologies in the world.
Imagine Optic Imagine Optic
Wavefront sensors and adaptive optics for optical metrology, lasers and microscopy. Imagine Optic is one of the world’s leading providers of Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensing hardware and software, adaptive optics technologies and professional services in applied optics. We work with scientists and industrials in domains including pure science, industrial quality control, space and defense, semiconductors and many others. Since 1996, we've been supplying industry leaders around the world with the high-quality products and services that they need to perform.
Investments for the Future Investments for the Future
Launched in 2009 by the French Government, the Investments for the Future programmes are strategic initiatives which aim to boost French competitiveness by investing in research, higher education and vocational training, in industry and SMEs, in sustainable development and in expanding sectors such as digital technology, biotechnology and nuclear energy.
Laser 2000 Laser 2000
Laser 2000 is your expert in Europe for components and systems for Photonics, Fiber Optics & Networks and Laser Systems & Solutions. We provide „customer-specific solutions from a single source” for sophisticated applications, e.g. laser safety and protection, or in the area of microscopy & spectroscopy. Our employees’ in-depth experience insures expert consulting in the area of material processing with short laser pulses and meets the highest demands for high-end lighting and cameras for image processing.
LESIA (Laboratory of Space Studies and Instrumentation in Astrophysics) is one of the largest French laboratories of research in astrophysics (approximately 12% of the discipline). It is one of the five Scientific Departments of the Paris Observatory and also a CNRS Laboratory. LESIA’s primary role consists in the design and implementation of scientific instrumentation in space and on the ground, analysis and interpretation of scientific observations and development of advanced techniques applied in ground-based and space instruments. LESIA is also involved in technology transfer from astrophysics to medical imaging.
Paris Sciences et Lettres Paris Sciences et Lettres
Founded in 2010, Paris Sciences & Lettres Research University brings together 25 prestigious establishments in the very heart of Paris, all united by their common intent to create an entity comparable in performance to the greatest universities worldwide. With their exceptional diversity, these institutions share a common culture based on scientific excellence and the very strong potential of their students. As a new federal type of university, and winner of a national Investments for the Future award in 2011, PSL Research University is implementing an ambitious program of research, training, and development.
Phasics Phasics
Specialized in high resolution wavefront sensing, Phasics offers a full range of high performance wavefront analyzers and integrated test benches for laser beam characterization and control, lens testing and biology imaging. Phasics solutions are all based on its unique patented technology, the quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry. Developed to overcome the Shack Hartmann limitations, this technology offers ultra-high resolution (up to 400x300 measurement points), high sensitivity and large dynamic. In more, it is compact, achromatic and able to measure diverging beam with no relay lens, for an easy implementation.
Région Ile-de-France Région Ile-de-France
When it comes to research, the Paris Region features world-class fields. Examples include life sciences, healthcare and the environment. However, to rise to its full potential and strengthen its international visibility, the key is coordinating and fostering cooperation among the different actors. Key Areas of Interest (Domaines d’intérêt majeurs or DIM) are research networks created around strategic topics. For DIMs, regional support makes it possible to finance equipment for a particular area of interest, as well as research grants, feedback commissions, network coordination and scientific events.
Société Française d'Optique Société Française d'Optique
The Société Française d’Optique (SFO) is the French branch of the European Optical Society (EOS). The purpose of EOS is to contribute to progress in optics and related sciences, and to promote their applications at the European and international levels, by bringing together individuals and legal entities involved in these disciplines and their applications. With about 1500 individual members and 40 groups, SFO gathers all French players in optics-photonics. As an independent association, SFO promotes the development of optics in its broadest sense.
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